Game Concepts 2015
What a great round Arabic Game Jam 2015 was! Social, fun, happy participants, great coaches, awesome jury and of course super interesting game ideas. Below you can read about each and every one of them (without any particular order)
Bloomers (card board game)

A 2-player “card boardgame” where you plant and harvest exotic spices to gain the most points. Requires specially printed deck of cards and 20 dice.
Install instructions
Download the PDF instructi…

It´s a character that likes to explore and learn. He knows life is a constant transition.
Team 4
Billy Lundh
Heber Andrade
Nassir Hussein
Mahdi Annassi
Jurys words:
“This was an innovative…
Minaret builder

Drop tower segments and stack them to form a minaret as tall as possible.
Team 6
Johannes Larsson
Sante Larsson
Imen Mahjoubi
Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Jurys words:
“This game had a great g…

Team 1
Niklas Svanberg
Joakim Dickson
Viktor Tornborg
Elias Lindblad
Kristin Asker
Sandra Petersson
Jurys words:
“Shovers was the most…
Glyph hunters

Glyph Hunters is multiplayer game playable in a web browser with a smartphone as a controller.
Scan the QR code or enter the URL to join the hunt for the glyph.
It is possible to play solo or in…
Arab Spring

Team 9
Tom Leonardsson
Weronika Kowalczyk
Ajmal Azar
Hedi Mejri
Kristoffer Franzon
Jurys words:
“This group seemed to…

Game play tips
- Block the sand particles with the solid walls
- Keep the archaeologist far away from the side with the sandstorm
- The archaeologist is al…

An impish kid wants to anger some men calmly sitting and smoking.
Team 5
Marwen Ounis
Albin Nilsson
Daniel Leufstedt
André Leufstedt
Sofia Persson
Emilia Lindholm
Jurys words:
Jump Instinct

In this unique platformer, the platforms become invisible as you near a gap. Use your skill and instinct to imagine the rest!
Team 7
Ramsay Amarin
Anton Ryberg
Jurys words:
“This game surely …

You have lost something important of yours, and now your goal is to find it.
Team 2
Anders Dahl
Jurys words:
“We are really impressed of what this one man band came up with on his own on 48h! …