Our game revolves around an arab girl and her desert fox who has lost each other on opposite parts of a town. The town has been smitten with a spell by an evil djinn that makes the inhabitants sick, inactivated and easily manipulated. Our main characters have to fight the evil djinn in order to rid the town of the spell and find each other. The game consists of small puzzles, which the players choose by selecting houses(in story it means that you help curing a family if you succeed with the puzzle), where the players have to co-operate and be coordinated to fight back the djinn. By solving the puzzles the players rescue the people and gather them in order to be able to penetrate through the djinns spells and find each other.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
The jury’s motivation:
“Interesting design focusing on the social context outside the screen.”
Rufael Negash Project leader
Mosa Al-Husseini Programming
Jonas Haag Game design
Tim Johansson-Hugg 3d-artist
Malin Olofsson Game design/Concept development
Andreas Olsson Programming