Twinfusion is a social party game that can be currently played by 4-24 players simultaneously. The game can be run by accessing (link will be updated soon) on a web browser (this will act as a shared screen for all players). The players can then access (link will be updated soon) on their smartphones or tablets, turning them into game controllers.
Once the game starts each player is represented by a tiny “djinn” on-screen. The players do not know which djinn belongs to them and must start moving around to figure out who they are. Once their identity is known, players have to find the djinn matching their color and merge with them and form a bigger djinn. This bigger djinn is controlled by both players and they must co-operate to get to the exit portal once it is revealed. Players can bump into each other to knock opponents off their path.
Jurys words: “Great networking x 2!”
Jaffar Salih
Samanta Miszkiel
Erik Nilsson
Dharam Kapila
Jérémy Tuloup
Read more about the game here:
…and see a video about the game here: